Elayna is not a lover of finger foods. She mashes her bananas and pears, she rejects cooked vegetables and cheese, and most of her crackers and puffs go to Clancy. She has great hand-eye coordination, I think she just doesn't quite realize that food should be eaten and that its ok to get a little messy.
Up until now, I have been perfectly content with this. At her 9 month appointment, the pediatrician gave the 'every child develops at their own pace' speech and that was good enough for me. Besides, we had a great baby-food system down ... I knew her likes, her dislikes, her schedule, and I could feed her in about 10 minutes.
However, I had a wake-up call yesterday when I watched her peers at day-care eat entire meals of chopped peaches and crackers. The other kids are far ahead of Elayna in their eating habits and I don't think I can continue to ignore this. Especially since she has a very important cake-eating engagement happening in about a month.
To solicit advice I went where most modern mothers go to figure things out: internet chat rooms. Thankfully there were other women with similar issues with their older babies: food is for playing, no interest in self-feeding, textures yucky, etc. And the advice ranged from the good ol' "every child develops at their own pace" (which I'll no longer accept as an excuse) to "your child may have developmental issues" (which I wholeheartedly reject).
I know this is mostly my fault ... I am not good at giving Elayna opportunities to learn how to feed herself. So we're starting a more vigorous approach: weaning from the pureed foods, devoting more meal time to trying things, allowing her to get really hungry to 'light a fire' under her. So far this is kind of working; breakfast was waffles and bananas and she did eat quite a bit. She also spit quite a bit out, threw quite a bit to Clancy, and I found some bananas later down her jammies.
This might be harder on me than on her.....
Trying sweet potato fries ... not happily.