Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

While there are some lovely fall festivals and pumpkin patches in Arizona, we opted this year to spend a blistering hot morning at the McDonald Ranch pumpkin patch. 

Since the ranch is close-by, I forgive them their lack of vendors and overpriced pumpkins randomly stacked in the desert.  Elayna loved the hayride and even enjoyed the crowded petting zoo. 

Most of all, we enjoyed spending some time with our friends the Conners, Gubkas, and Horwitzes. 

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Aaron

Another year, another birthday bash.  But at least now we have an enthusiastic candle-blower to help.


E said while we were making Aaron’s card:  “Daddy makes a rainbow – he likes rainbows.  I’ll make a football or a batman.”

Friday, October 21, 2011

Gymnastic - part II

I mentioned last week that we’ve enrolled Elayna in a gymnastics class.  It meets on Friday mornings and E loves it!!  She talks of little else and has started jumping on any couch, bed, or spare pillow to practice.  During class she can hardly contain her excitement, follows direction, and is learning quickly!  I love her enthusiasm.

What I don’t love is the new gymnastics clothing peer pressure.

When I first called to sign her up for class, I asked the receptionist what she should wear.  ‘Nothing fancy,’ she said.  ‘Shorts and a t-shirt are fine.’

When we showed up for class, we soon discovered that every little girl was wearing the tight leotard ala USA Gynastics Team.  Great.  The sparklier the better.  Elayna didn’t seem to care that she was the only one in a t-shirt and shorts.  I still don’t think she’s cared 3-weeks later when I continue to dress her in a t-shirt and shorts (above picture was taken today.  E’s in the pink shorts)  But MOM cares.  Mom is wracked with fashion guilt.

It does not help that the gymnastics-moms discuss the clothing options and their daughters’ multiple ballet/gymnastics/karate wardrobes.  It does not help that her coach mentioned she would move much freer in a leotard.  Or that the manager made me put her hair in a ponytail today.  All of these things break down my cheap, only-a-3-year-old, she-doesn’t-care-anyway excuses.

Lucky for mom, the gymnastics facility has a section of sparkly leotards.  After class today, I steered E over and told her she could pick one out.  My eye was on the $15 blue flowered one.  E of course ignored my hints and chose the pink $30 monstrosity with the silver sparkles. 

Again, great.

So next week we’ll put the new outfit to the test … and officially crack the door open to my new life of competitive soccer-mom-ness.  A sparkly uniform:  this is how it begins.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Finished Project

I have crafting ADD.

I always start with good intentions.  Holidays are approaching, magazines are filled with new ideas and suggestions, and I <unfortunately> believe I’m qualified because I own a pair of scissors and craft glue.  I love visualizing a new decoration, buying supplies, and the first hour of cutting/planning/pasting.

And I pretty much hate all of the rest.

This is why I have a plastic tub of unfinished projects, cloth scraps, ribbons, and lost dreams.  This is why our scrapbooks stop at 2006.  This is why the stocking I made took 5 years and was finalized with glue and desperation for E’s first Christmas.  This is why Elayna’s ‘texture blanket’ is now random scraps of fabric for her to play with and why her Advent Calendar was finished after Christmas last year.

Poor, poor good intentions.

However, I have determination this year!  And I unprecedently finished my Halloween idea BEFORE Halloween and without swearing/burning something/throwing it away.  I even think it looks pretty cute.


I saw this idea in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  The original door signs were made from closet doors painted black and white wooden letters.  Because I’m cheap, I chose a cute black taffeta fabric with a black spiderweb design and cut white letters from paper.  I’ll probably put baskets of pumpkins beneath the signs for fun.

I’m celebrating my small victories!!  Maybe there’s hope for getting something done by Christmas too!!

Friday, October 14, 2011


We've started another new adventure with E - gymnastic class!!

We tried a trial class last week at North Valley Gymnastics and E has talked of little else since. She's very excited for her weekly class and the girls are very cute.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cooler weather, a park, and good friends

Pete Gubka is Elayna’s earliest friend.  His mother Jacquelyn and I worked together at Wells Fargo and we were both thrilled when the 2 kids started day-care together and were actually compatible playmates.  Through the years, Elayna has migrated to girl-playmates and they both attend different schools, but Pete and Elayna still enjoy each other and love playing together.

And finally the Phoenix fall has set in – a perfect excuse to get the kids out to the park on Tuesday!

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Little fish

Elayna has been taking swimming lessons for about 2 months now and even her teacher is surprised by how well she is doing. She happily jumps in the pool for her lesson, listens well to her teacher, and is all smiles for 30 minutes.

And look at the results!!

YouTube Video