Sunday, May 23, 2010

Punto San Carlos

For Aaron’s birthday last year I sent him and 2 friends to bike on the Baja coast.  It was a secluded spot 8-hours from San Diego and they had a great time.

I hope to continue to rack up the ‘cool-wife-points’ when articles, movies, or photographs of the location are released.  This week, Bike magazine published an article on Punto San Carlos.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A new favorite picture…


Our usual toddler has been miraculously replaced by a nice, respectful child.  She says ‘thank-you’, ‘please’, and ‘bless-you’.  She takes a bath without a battle and goes to bed peacefully.  Its amazing.  We don’t expect it to last much longer….

A Weekend of Birthdays

It was a busy, social weekend for us. 

On Friday night, Aaron and I dressed up and attended my friend Rachel’s birthday party at the ValleyHo.  It’s rare for us to have a crazy night out and we’ve never been to the upscale, trendy resort.  It was definitely a fun evening.

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On Saturday, we attended a dual 2nd birthday party (from one extreme to the other).  Elayna’s 2 best friends share a birthday and celebrated together with a pool party.  Elayna didn’t play much and it was too cool for the pool – but we had a fun time anyway.

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