Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Little Picasso

Elayna learns new things or grasps a new concept every day.  We have tried these bathtub crayons several times and she 'kind of' gets it.  Usually she enjoys watching my demonstration and then tries to clean the walls.

Tonight I was pleasantly surprised when she correctly grasped the crayons and created her own artwork!  She had a great time, tried out all 3 colors, and spent a good deal of time drawing.  It was adorable.

Of course she had to 'taste' the crayon (don't worry ... she didn't like it).


I just love this picture.  I caught her playing with the screen door with a show-shutter speed on my new camera.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Conversations with Elayna

Since Elayna was a little baby, she's helped me pick out her clothes in the morning. Usually this consists of her selecting at random from 2 equally cute, mom-approved options. I've never been sure if she understands this game, I think she'll just reach for an inviting color -- but its fun for me nevertheless. I pat myself on the back for my empowering, confidence-building mothering style.

This morning when it came time to change, Elayna strolled into her room and pulled out her favorite pair of monkey 'jammies. These are adorable and I may have dressed her in them if she wasn't going to day-care and it wasn't a million degrees outside. When I showed her my 2 selections, she argumentatively stated (or yelled) 'No!' and fought me when I tried to put one shirt on. She clung to the monkey 'jammies and stood her ground. Apparently she understands this game after all.

Desperate, I started pulling other options out of the drawer. Flowered top? "No!" Green shirt? "No!" Pink tanktop? "Yes!"

"Yes" - just like that. An actual, affirmative, happy response. No more fighting, crying, struggling, or pulling of hair.

And then she proceeded to try to put on the original top I had selected. That's right - she's wearing one of the first outfits I offered her.

I know she comprehends and communicates a lot, but this was the first occasion where I felt like we had an honest conversation. It was trivial but fun, sweet and frustrating. And we may have to amend our clothing selection game from now on....

When I dropped her off at day-care, the director told me a funny story about naptime yesterday.  Elayna is only allowed a pacifier at bed or nap-time, and she LOVES the pacifier.  Yesterday, the director noticed her standing at her cubby after lunch, apparently shaking and tensed-up.  I picture her with a pained look on her face, impatiently awaiting nap and paci-time.  It is like a drug addition!!  Her teacher quickly dug out her sheet, cot, and paci and Elayna willingly laid down to rest.  Problem solved.  Addiction sated. 

She's a funny girl.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!!  We had high expectations of taking Elayna to the zoo on our Monday off.  However, some things are not meant to be ... 

The night before, someone (we're assuming dumb kids) threw a rock through the back window of the Xterra in our driveway.  We spent our morning filing a police report, calling insurance, and stewing.  Insurance has covered replacing the window but this was annoying anyway.  And we weren't alone - they also got a car down the block and scratched a car next door.

Thanks to our friend Tammy for coming over and having lunch with us!  The girls played and it helped take our mind off the disappointing day.

Here are a few pictures of the poor Xterra....

The broken back window....

The scattered glass and incriminating brick.

My New Toy

When we were home in July, I found and 'borrowed' my dad's old camera.  It is an SLR Pentax film camera with 2 gorgeous lenses (a telephoto portrait and ultra-wide-angle).  I experimented with 4 rolls of film while we were home and was surprised with several great shots.

These are especially good considering I didn't know what any of the levers and knobs did, randomly selected F-stops, and refused to buy a battery for the light-meter.  There were many, many under-developed photos in the mix.  Have no fear, I have since bought a photography book....

Since we've been home, I've been researching and debating what to do with my new set-up.  I sent the film camera body to the shop.  But I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with a film camera so I splurged and bought a new DSLR digital camera this week.  My dad's old lenses will work with it with an adapter, and I'm having a great time experimenting and taking fun pictures!

A small sample:

The cactus blooms in our front yard.  This is a new favorite of mine .... I love the colors and the interesting detail.

Aaron's new favorite:  same flowers but with a friend.

On portrait mode:  my favorite model!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy 17-Months!

I can't believe Elayna is already 17-months!  August has flown by and we're anxiously awaiting the fall weather.

Elayna is learning and growing every day.  She's beautiful and fun!

Her vocabulary (both words and signs):

  • Hi and Bye
  • Shoes
  • Please (sounds like peas)
  • Ma-ma and da-da
  • Thank-you (sounds like tanu)
  • puppy and kitty
  • rarrrr (lion/bear sound)
  • meow
  • he-he (monkey sound)
  • bear
  • juice
  • milk (sign)
  • all-done (sign)
  • more (sign)
  • mine
  • no
  • yeah! (with clapping)
  • uh-oh
  • nose and points to her nose
  • points to belly (doesn't say it yet though)

A few of her favorite things:

  • puzzles
  • books
  • screw-top bottles
  • singing and cartoons
  • stairs

Every day she does something new and fun....