Monday, April 30, 2012

The REALLY Big Girl Bed

We have been debating what to do about Elayna’s bed.  She has rapidly outgrown her toddler bed and we’ve struggled to decide on a new bed that meets necessary requirements: (1) I can snuggle with her at night [MINE] and (2) it has good storage and is solidly built [AARON] and (3) it’s covered in Princesses and glitter [ELAYNA]. 

We’re at a stalemate. 

So we’ve decided to delay the decision.  Over the weekend, we bought some new bedding for our full-size guest bed, shifted around a few things, and moved Elayna into her new sleeping room in the guest bedroom.



Elayna seems delighted.  She’s bragging to strangers about her ladybug bed and yesterday she requested to take a nap (what 4-year old does that?).  She’s sleeping well.  She just looks so little in that great big bed. 

So the great big bed is a success.  And her slow but steady take-over of the house is also a success as most of her things are still in / will stay in her original room.  The obvious question on everyone’s mind is ‘How much room does this 4-year old really need?’  A lot apparently.  We do have plans to reclaim the formal living room but I’m sure the process will be slow.  And for now, I’m happy.  Sleep away, baby girl.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The big weekend–DAY 3

Happy Easter!!

After 2 big days of E’s birthday, Easter was almost an after-thought.  Aaron and I dyed eggs frantically after the big birthday party, I had stock-piled candy, and I threw together a quick ham and potatoes dinner.  Alicia and Brian joined us for dinner.  It was not fancy but it was us.  And relaxing, enjoyable and fun. 

Easter morning - hunting for eggsIMGP4429Happy Easter from the Kellums!IMGP4439 copyHappy Easter!!


Brian and Alicia got a unique taste of life with a 4-year old when they agreed to play a board game with Elayna.  The game itself is a challenge as E is still learning her letters and likes to make up rules as she goes along.  But she also likes to WIN and is not very good sport.  It’s a challenge but Alicia is a good aunt!  THANKS LIC!

The big weekend–DAY 2

The celebration of Elayna’s big birthday was on April 7th.  We decided to out-source the party this year and went to Fun Factory at Desert Ridge.  This is a cute kids’ play space – complete with bouncies, slides, climbing wall, games, and a good party area for eating.  We were well pleased with the venue and the kiddos had a GREAT time!

Cake pops for E's party     Birthday banner at the party

Cake pops!  Thanks to Aaron and Alicia for helping me with this experiment.  We got lots of compliments and they were yummy!

I'm not sure what this is ... but i think its funny.BradyAnnabelleIMGP4301CamdenReady for pizzaIMGP4367_edited-1  IMGP4402

We barely saw Elayna for about 90 minutes.  She was a bundle of jumping joy and LOVED spending so much time with her friends.  Her happiness made everything worthwhile!

We invited only girls and their siblings to the party and had a great group considering it was Easter weekend (a lot of classmates couldn’t make it).  The girls all played GREAT together.  I was actually surprised at how well Elayna involved both school friends and her other friends; they all got along great (when does the girl-drama start?)  And the pizza was surprisingly good.

IMGP4387IMGP4389E LOVED the birthday song.This is my favorite.  Quinn is waiting for the right opportunity to sneak in and get those candles!  And E thinks the entire thing is extremely funny!

Elayna was giggling so hard during the birthday song that Quinn was able to sneak in and blow out those candles!  Smart girl, Quinn!!  Don’t worry, E got another crack at it…

E's chance at the candles herself

Happy 4th Birthday, monkey girl!!  We are very proud of you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The big weekend–DAY 1

Last weekend was a super-spring weekend – Elayna’s birthday AND Easter all within 3 days.  Absolute craziness…

So crazy that it has taken most of a week for us to recover.

On Friday was Elayna’s actual birthday.  Aaron and I both took the day off and we took Elayna to the Wildlife World Zoo – the 3rd year in a row we’ve made the trek.  The weather was amazing and we spent most of the time on the zoo side.   Elayna loved the monkeys and rhinoceros, feeding the ducks, and indulging on icees.

E's birthday trip to the zoo  IMGP4271Feeding the giraffe  Happy Birthday, Elayna girl!

A good 4th Birthday indeed.  Love you Elayna girl!!