We have been debating what to do about Elayna’s bed. She has rapidly outgrown her toddler bed and we’ve struggled to decide on a new bed that meets necessary requirements: (1) I can snuggle with her at night [MINE] and (2) it has good storage and is solidly built [AARON] and (3) it’s covered in Princesses and glitter [ELAYNA].
We’re at a stalemate.
So we’ve decided to delay the decision. Over the weekend, we bought some new bedding for our full-size guest bed, shifted around a few things, and moved Elayna into her new sleeping room in the guest bedroom.
Elayna seems delighted. She’s bragging to strangers about her ladybug bed and yesterday she requested to take a nap (what 4-year old does that?). She’s sleeping well. She just looks so little in that great big bed.
So the great big bed is a success. And her slow but steady take-over of the house is also a success as most of her things are still in / will stay in her original room. The obvious question on everyone’s mind is ‘How much room does this 4-year old really need?’ A lot apparently. We do have plans to reclaim the formal living room but I’m sure the process will be slow. And for now, I’m happy. Sleep away, baby girl.
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