Monday, May 30, 2011

Conversation with E

Me:  “Elayna, is mommy a boy or a girl?”

E:  “A girl!”

Me:  “How about daddy?  Is he a boy or a girl?”

E:  “A boy!”

Me:  “Good!  How about Clancy?”

E:  “A boy.”

Me:  “And Kira?”

E:  “A girl.”

Me:  “And how about Grandma?  What is she?”

E:  “A pirate!”


Apparently, Elayna has uncovered Grandma’s secret identity.


Elayna has learned how to use my point-and-shoot camera.  I love her enthusiasm and she’s had a great time posing things, learning composition, screaming ‘Say Cheese!’.  I think she has a lot of potential.

Some of E’s early work:





The doll pictures are my favorite.  She dressed her, posed her, and then spent a long time telling her to ‘Say cheese!’ while taking multiple shots.  Gorgeous!

Preschool Graduation

Happy Memorial Day!!

Elayna starts in the 3-year old class at daycare on Wednesday!!  She is extremely excited to move to the ‘big-girl-class’ with her friend Kira.  It is extremely cute!!

However, the big accomplishments come with big responsibilities – E has to be potty trained!  As of 2-weeks ago, she was.  But somewhere between getting the approval to move up and now, we’ve regressed into a accident-prone mess.  I’m convinced that E is stuck in a potty-training stress-induced death-spiral:  she has accidents, she gets in trouble (at school and at home), she stresses about accidents so has more, she continues to get in trouble.  She is one stressed out little monkey.

Last Monday we were told she couldn’t graduate if she continued to have so many accidents.  On Wednesday I was told that the accidents were ‘unacceptable’ but they were moving her up anyway.  [?]  No where am I getting help from her teachers so I am discouraged with the school.  I’m at a loss….

So we’ve been working a lot over this long weekend.  A lot of reminders, positive reinforcement, no pressure, and lots of M&Ms.  So far, she appears to be catching on again and we’re proud of her progress.  We’ll just see how this plays out at school [and pray she isn’t kicked out for ‘unacceptable’ behavior.] 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Elayna can never be alone again….

I thought 3-year olds were suppose to be easier….

Along with her crazy ideas, strong desire to do everything herself, and slightly-annoying bossy attitude, Elayna is also growing out of her naps.  This is causing no small amount of heart-burn and confusion for mom – particularly since I love naps.

At school, Elayna is still taking a 1-2 hour nap each day.  On these days, she stays awake at night until 10pm – annoying and strange.  But also annoying are the days she stays home and refuses to nap and has instead decided to occupy herself with new hobbies.

I’ve instituted a new rule that Elayna doesn’t have to sleep but she does need to rest in her room and be quiet.  Quickly she has learned that as long as she quiet, mom has no idea what she is doing and the sky’s the limit of her imagination.

Last weekend, Elayna scooped aquarium rocks from her fish-tank while Alicia was watching her.  I’m sure this was very tramatic for her fish and not fun for mom to vacuum up.  Two weeks ago, she decided to chew on pages out of her new kids bible (gross – what gave her that idea?).  And it’s very common to find clothes out of drawers, toys amuck, and the room trashed.

Today, I was delighted to peek in and find her quietly reading her Dr Seuss book.  Forty-five minutes later, I let her get up and discovered the carnage…


For some reason, the book and toy required large amounts of sun-screen.  And when she finally realized that a little sunscreen goes a long way, she cleaned it up with the majority of a pack of wipes.  The evidence was stuffed in her bed, the book shelf, and under stuffed animals.

<Sigh>  I’m not looking forward to the around-the-clock surveillance.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day and other stuff

Happy Mother’s Day – albeit a few days late – to all the wonderful mothers out there!  Particularly for my Mom and my Grandma – I love you both very much!!

I had a very nice Mother’s Day and enjoyed spending time with my favorite girl.  Aaron and Elayna treated me to a lovely breakfast-in-bed, and E and I spent the afternoon with Brook and Alicia at the gym pool.  Nice relaxing and fun.

The only downside to the weekend was the off-and-on sickiness of Aaron and Elayna.  E was sick on Friday and slept most of the day away.  I felt so bad for my sweet girl and we had to miss her Mother’s Day luncheon at school.  Aaron was sick most of Sunday.  But everyone seems to be doing better now!

Today I took Elayna to JCPenney for overdue portraits.  Since I’m addicted to having her photos done and we haven’t done it for awhile, I had the itch.  I think they turned out super cute!!



Friday, May 6, 2011

Daddy Daughter Dance

I do love these 2 people!!!  Glad they had such a fun ‘date’ last night at the North Ridge Community Church Daddy-Daughter Dance!!!
