Yes, I'm serious with this title. We live in Phoenix so I count the first day of summer as the first day we have an official 100-degree day. It was yesterday. I'm always disappointed when this happens in April but we've had such a lovely spring up to this point we were almost doomed.
To celebrate this milestone, Elayna had two occasions of note today:
1) The last day of swim lessons. We took an 8 week mommy-and-me course at our gym. It was a basic pool survival course so the kids were forced to hold their breath, flip over on their backs, and reach towards the wall. It was not always fun - Elayna hated going underwater - but a definite necessity. And she and I bonded a lot during our lessons. I loved how she clung to me in the water and she learned so quickly. I am really proud of her!
Here are a few pics of her new bikini ... super cute!!
2) She's decided to walk! She took her first steps over a month ago but has boycotted since then. She'll occasionally take a few steps but doesn't want to be pressured. But this morning out of the blue she took off across the living room. I held my breath the entire time but she hardly hesitated and has been walking most of the rest of the day! I'm not sure if this is the official turning-point but we may have a walker now!
Aaron and I have had a crazy couple of days as well. I mentioned that his car was broken into last week. Then last weekend, our neighbor's truck was stolen. Thankfully, the truck was found today - intact and unharmed. He's missing a few CD's and his GPS - so not a big deal. In talking with several people, this appears to be pretty common right now and the thieves are after the garage door openers to break into homes. So please be careful ....
I also caught some weird bug yesterday and spent most of the day in bed. Thankfully, Tuesday is my 'mommy' day when Elayna goes to day-care but I work from home. Kind of a waste of a 'mommy' day but nice to have the luxury!!! I'm feeling much better today.
So it's been a busy week and it's only Wednesday!!