Since Elayna was a little baby, she's helped me pick out her clothes in the morning. Usually this consists of her selecting at random from 2 equally cute, mom-approved options. I've never been sure if she understands this game, I think she'll just reach for an inviting color -- but its fun for me nevertheless. I pat myself on the back for my empowering, confidence-building mothering style.
This morning when it came time to change, Elayna strolled into her room and pulled out her favorite pair of monkey 'jammies. These are adorable and I may have dressed her in them if she wasn't going to day-care and it wasn't a million degrees outside. When I showed her my 2 selections, she argumentatively stated (or yelled) 'No!' and fought me when I tried to put one shirt on. She clung to the monkey 'jammies and stood her ground. Apparently she understands this game after all.
Desperate, I started pulling other options out of the drawer. Flowered top? "No!" Green shirt? "No!" Pink tanktop? "Yes!"
"Yes" - just like that. An actual, affirmative, happy response. No more fighting, crying, struggling, or pulling of hair.
And then she proceeded to try to put on the original top I had selected. That's right - she's wearing one of the first outfits I offered her.
I know she comprehends and communicates a lot, but this was the first occasion where I felt like we had an honest conversation. It was trivial but fun, sweet and frustrating. And we may have to amend our clothing selection game from now on....
When I dropped her off at day-care, the director told me a funny story about naptime yesterday. Elayna is only allowed a pacifier at bed or nap-time, and she LOVES the pacifier. Yesterday, the director noticed her standing at her cubby after lunch, apparently shaking and tensed-up. I picture her with a pained look on her face, impatiently awaiting nap and paci-time. It is like a drug addition!! Her teacher quickly dug out her sheet, cot, and paci and Elayna willingly laid down to rest. Problem solved. Addiction sated.
She's a funny girl.