I’ve started thinking of Elayna as a 2-year old. And while we can’t seem to pinpoint when or where the change has happened, she’s so grown-up – clever and smart. She says a variety of words (sometimes even correctly) and makes us laugh daily.
Yesterday, we stripped Elayna’s clothes off after a delicious spaghetti dinner. We were watching the Olympics while she played in her room and could hear her chatting away, playing. All of a sudden, she started yelling, “’Irt, ‘irt” (shirt) and ran out the most excited I’ve ever seen her. She had squeezed into a long sleeve shirt as a tube top and was EXTREMELY proud of herself. It was adorable and made us both laugh.
I’ll share this video too – it illustrates just how much she’s talking and how sweet she is. When Aaron first gets home from work she’ll demand ‘Sheep’ wanting to watch the cartoon ‘Shawn the Sheep’, their little tradition. There’s a cute moment where she’s playing Peek-a-boo and says ‘Where’s Layna?’ She also says ‘Love you!’ at the end (melts my heart).