Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Wedding, Happy Life

My cousin Emily married Sven on Saturday, June 26th.  Aaron flew up for a long weekend and the weather was glorious!!  We had such a fun time and thoroughly enjoyed some time in Bozeman.

A few pictures:


My brother and Tom Robison did the music.  I think this picture looks like an Enya album.  They also might have had the only accordian / harp duo in wedding history.



My sweet girl walked the field the majority of the wedding.


Elayna and pretty maid-of-honor Alicia.


Emily and Sven.  Toast!!


Happy family!!!  What a gorgeous day!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Montana, Part I

Elayna and I are safely tucked away with my parents in Winston, Montana. We're mid-way through a 2-week trek across the state and it has been fun, crazy, and swift so far.

We flew into Missoula and drove up to Kalispell, MT for 4 days with my high school best friend, Joanna Schnur Eichner. Joanna and her husband Mike had their third daughter last week and I used this as a good excuse to finally visit. I'm not sure how helpful it was to add another toddler into their crazy house, but we had a great few days. Elayna played with Laura and Allison with only a few meltdowns. New baby Maria is adorable. And Joanna is adapting very well to her crazy new life as a mother of 3.

Allison:  playing with playdough

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Elayna:  fun in the rain,                                    Laura:  blowing dandelions.


New baby Maria


The Eichners

On Saturday we drove down to Winston and have been spoiled by my parents. Elayna loves her grandparents!!

Aaron flies in tomorrow for my cousin Emily's wedding this weekend. So lots more to come....

Friday, June 11, 2010

Like her mom…

Its the little things that identify Elayna as my daughter:

  • The pleas for chocolate milk and pudding for breakfast
  • Slamming doors to win almost any argument
  • An affinity for Disco (much to Aaron’s distain)

And then there are other things that didn’t come from Aaron or me.  Like the need to clean.  Naked.  I’m not sure where that came from….

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But this second picture is accurate – Elayna can reach and work door handles.  Opening and closing random doors entertains her for long periods now.  But it also means nothing is safe….

Also in the last few weeks we purchased a fish tank!  Amazingly only one fish has attained fishy heaven and 4 are still happy and alive.  Elayna loves her fish and the tank looks really nice in her room.
