Monday, September 27, 2010

Fun with Potty Training

Elayna has been half-heartedly potty training -- mostly as a stall tactic before her baths. We have the seat in the play room (yes, that is a little disturbing), and she'll read books or play, or sing songs. Potty time is very entertaining.

Her favorite book right now is from Uncle Nate. It is 'Everyone Poops'.

This weekend we had several successes and I finally feel like Elayna is catching onto the concept. She's definitely proud of herself after she goes and loves flushing the toilet.
But along with it, this weekend she also discovered removing her diaper in her crib. Sunday morning we were awoken obnoxiously early when she tried this trick and then peed on herself. Naps are obnoxious with several re-diapering check-ups before she's exhausted enough to sleep. Only the fear of Aaron seems to cause her to rethink her bare-tush sleeping style - she doesn't listen to me but pays attention when he scolds her.

I also had another first this weekend. I actually said, "Elayna, you can't always tell me what to do." (while we were fighting over a purple marker, none-the-less) Probably in a whiny junior-high girl voice. I realized that I'm attempting to fight back to the bully and that the bully always gets back at you. Our dictator will resume control of the regime soon. But at least for a few hours, I feel more empowered....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Eight Things Friday

I know, I know … I committed to doing Ten Things Tuesdays.  We do what we can…. but this list is surprisingly all about Elayna.

Here’s a mad recap of some highlights for the week:

  1. Today, Elayna and I went to Imagination Ave – a kid’s-land, converted strip-mall shop.  I’ve never been before but it was cute and Elayna was highly entertained for at least 2 hours.  Mostly, she wore a pink Princess dress, matching shoes, and pushed around a shopping cart.
  2. Speaking of pink, Elayna is magically drawn to this color right now.  She colors only in pink, she chooses pink shoes, she only eats pink yogurt.  <sigh>
  3. I’ve taught Elayna my name.  She pretends she doesn’t understand except the other day she demanded ‘Courtney, get me some juice.'  The dictator has spoken.
  4. My favorite thing right now is singing to Elayna before naps/bedtime.  I’ve hummed ‘Danny Boy’ to her for the past 2 years – its our bedtime soothing song.  Lately, she’s taken to humming it with me, tapping my shoulder, and giving me a big kiss at the end.  What a sweetheart!
  5. The playroom is a BIG hit!  She spends a good portion of her day drawing or coloring at her table.  She’s also been reading a lot more since the books are so easily displayed.  And I’m relieved because it’s helped us turn off the TV and spend time together.
  6. There was a dead baby mouse in our garage on Tuesday.  I know Aaron loves me because he cleaned it up for me.
  7. Elayna has taken to ‘telling on us’.  We’re at a stage where she’s starting to talk more freely – not always to our benefit.  Yesterday, she got in trouble for kicking me while I was changing her diaper.  She responded by running to Aaron and proclaiming how mean I was.  Watch your backs, folks!!
  8. Her manners amaze me!!!  She’s gotten very good about saying ‘Please’, ‘thank you’, ‘Bless you’ and ‘Excuse me’ – sometimes without even being prompted.  Don’t get me wrong though – we still have our moments.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A new look for the dining room

This was our first weekend in a while with no plans.  No bike races, no weekend trips, no parties or potlucks.  It was nice to relax and enjoy one last trip to the pool.  It was nice to take naps and catch up on cleaning and play with baby-girls.

However, lazy weekends tend to get tied up with projects.  This weekend, we decided to finally transform the formal dining room into a play space for Elayna.  We sold the table, consolidated her bigger toys into one room, and bought a few extra pieces like a bookshelf and some storage.  I LOVE it and Elayna does too.  She definitely knows everything is hers and she’s spent a lot of time at her little table.

Of course, this does raise a lot of obvious questions.  Like, how much space does one 2-year old need?  And, what happens if more than 2 people ever come over to eat?  And, is this really the first impression we want when people come in the door?  I have no good answers but have decided not to care….  I love the new play area and am enjoying a toy-free TV room.  I think the rest will just work itself out eventually.

DSCN3957 Old room

DSCN3973 New room

Monday, September 13, 2010

I Heart Faces Photo Contest

I recently stumbled upon the website – a fun resource for tutorials, photo contests, and inspiration. While I’m such an amateur at this, I decided to enter a photo this week anyway – just for fun!

As the weather cools down in Phoenix, Elayna has rediscovered her fun outdoor toys. Recently she took the 4-wheeler out for a spin in the neighborhood. So what a great selection for this week’s theme: “Vroom, Vroom”



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A beautiful wedding and weekend in Montana

Congratulations Brad and Charlotte Bernhart – newly married!  We were excited to be part of the celebration and had a wonderful weekend in Billings and Red Lodge to celebrate.

A few of our not so favorite things:

  1. Catching colds.  All of us.  Aaron had his beforehand but Elayna and I were noticeably froggier and crankier than normal.  We slept horribly, ate horribly, and were generally not the best company for the weekend.
  2. A cold and rainy wedding day.  The wedding was scheduled to be outside at the Red Lodge Fairgrounds but luckily Brad and Charlotte had a Plan B:  inside in the 4-H barn.  Only in Montana are we excited for a wedding in the 4-H barn.
  3. Elayna’s ivory flower-girl dress.  Although I’ve been planning this for weeks and had a sample of material to match, I somehow missed the boat and had the only ivory dress.  The other 5 girls wore yellow.  While no one (including the bride Charlotte) seemed to care, I was disappointed.

A few of our favorite things:

  1. Catching up with Lance and Sarah Kouba.  We met up on Thursday for lunch and then Aaron decided to run a 10k with them in Red Lodge on Saturday.  IMGP6278_edited-1
  2. Seeing Grandma Missy and Uncle Nate.  THANKS for driving over for the afternoon on Thursday.  I loved seeing you and playing in the park (Elayna spent a good deal of time dancing on a picnic table) and a yummy dinner at the Windmill.IMGP6119
  3. Aunt Margene’s gorgeous cupcakes.  She worked on these for MONTHS!IMGP6418
  4. Playing in the river with Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Carol.  Grandpa attempted to teach her to fly fish, but we’ll need another lesson in a few years.  Throwing rocks in the river was much more successful.  Very fun.IMGP6239
  5. Seeing Aunt Allyson!!  It’s been well over a year – maybe close to 2 – since Elayna has seen her Aunt!  We’ve all decided we need to make a trip to New York soon.IMGP6291_edited-1
  6. Making friends at the rehearsal barbeque.  Elayna really enjoyed these 2 girls, Lucy and Eugene and they played for hours.  Lucy even made her sit with her for dinner.  It’s the best I’ve ever seen Elayna play with other kids….IMGP6335_edited-2IMGP6339
  7. The BEST FLOWERGIRL EVER~!  I had severe doubts if we were going to make it through the day but Elayna pulled through.  She calmly walked out with the other girls, sat quietly through the ceremony, and was sweet and loving at the reception.  IMGP6379_edited-1
  8. Super Cute Brad and Charlotte!!  They were and are so happy.  Congratulations!!

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