I love to know what Elayna does at daycare all day. Usually I get a glimpse of her activities when I stalk the class – kneeling below her classroom window observing before picking her up. She’s often quiet (strange), playing with dolls or reading books. Nice.
Her 2-year teacher Ms. Juliana displays pictures, activities, and quotes around her room. They are so funny, I had to steal some photos.
Of course this warms my heart – she wants to be with MOMMY!? Over the park!? Or maybe I should be distressed at her grammatical use of a person instead of a place? Nah – I’m just tickled that she misses me!!
I’ve mentioned this Princess fascination before. I am *pretty* sure she actually said “Princess Aluna” (not Princess Arianna). We still don’t know who Princess Aluna (or Arianna) is.
<Wait …. not Mommy?> I’m already replaced as her best friend?
This is funny because Elayna LOVES Aaron’s clothes. She frequently picks out shirts for him to wear and is really bothered if he’s relaxing shirtless.