Thursday, February 24, 2011

Catching the fever….

We are leaving for LA/Disneyland/Holy-land/nirvana is approximately one hour.  Elayna has no clue of this significance but both Aaron and I are running around like crazy, talking about fairies and tea cups and haunted mansions.  Yesterday, I spent my lunch hour debating the appropriate Disney character meal to spend our lives savings on.  I’m wondering where our wisdom has gone….

About a month ago, we decided to join the Disney movie club to prepare us for the trip.  The movies never arrived …. and never arrived …. and never arrived.  Until last night – the night before our trip.  I am pretty sure this is some kind of cosmic Disney fate; Walt Disney in his frozen wonder will be orchestrating the rest of our lives – or at least our movie selection.  After all, we’ve joined the Disney cult now.

I fully expect to return with at least 1 princess dress, $200 worth of uneaten toddler food, a zillion pictures, and hopefully lots of memories.  DISNEYLAND – here we come!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“Don’t pee on Grandma” and other life lessons….

Jerry and Carol were just here for a long weekend – mostly to visit with Margene and Gordon Bernhart (who have snow-birded here all Feb) but also to play with Elayna.  We were busy, busy, busy but had a great visit.

Saturday night we had everyone over for dinner.  Elayna and Carol are good friends and Elayna could hardly be torn from her side they played so much.  In fact, they played so hard that Elayna forgot her potty-training and had an accident on Grandma’s lap.  Oops.  After a load of laundry, some apologies, and an infamous ‘Don’t pee on Grandma’ scolding we seem to all be feeling better.

OK, so aside from that episode, we had a nice visit.  On Sunday J&C&E&I all went out to watch Aaron run/bike a decathlon in the McDowells.  It was a little rainy and chilly but a lot of activity and fun.  Great job, Aaron!!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday

I suppose its time to get caught up and a Ten Things Tuesday seems like the best way to do that…..  Here’s a snippet of what’s happening with us:

1)  Parker has not returned.  We’ve stopped looking for him out the window or expecting him to stroll around the corner.  We’re sad but I don’t miss the hairballs.

2)  Elayna is enjoying her new school and we’re *mostly* glad we made the change.  The facility is quite a bit smaller and I find it claustrophobic sometimes.  And she’s taken a big step back in potty training which I find disappointing.  But otherwise, she likes her teachers and friends.

3)  Aaron spent the first week of Feb traveling to Minneapolis and Toronto.  It was ridiculously cold there but I think it was a successful work trip.  Elayna and I were mostly fine without him with only one mommy meltdown – I definitely missed him after a few days.

4)  We celebrated a very nice Valentine’s Day with dinner out on Friday night and a nice family night last night.  Aaron surprised me with a beautiful heart necklace.

5)  Saturday night was McKenna Bein’s 4th birthday party at Pump it Up.  She also celebrated there last year so it was fun to compare Elayna’s abilities in just a year.  She’s a crazy little monkey now!  Happy Birthday, McKenna!!


6)  My friend Tammy shared her Coyotes hockey tickets with me last Monday night.  It was an unusual girls’ night for sure but we had a lot of fun!  (Yes, my iPhone was playing music during the national anthem.  Yes, embarrassing.)

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7)  E and I met our friends Shelle and Allison at the Children’s Museum for a fun Friday afternoon.  We all had a good visit and the girls got along REALLY well.  We have to do it more often.

8)  Aaron’s been working like crazy on home projects lately.  We have new electrical work, new lights out front, new fans on the back porch, new shelves in the garage.  Very nice!

9)  Aunt Margene and Uncle Gordon are spending most of February in Phoenix with several of their friends.  They’re golfing and loving life!  We’ve had them for dinner once and hope to see them a lot more this month. 

10)  My brother Nate left for Australia this last weekend.  He has a one-way ticket and is planning to travel, explore, work, and love life.  We are filled with a lot of general envy – how great to have a new adventure!!  He’s started a blog (check it out!) so we can keep track of him. 

I’ll post more about Jerry and Carol’s upcoming visit, our planned weekend in Disneyland, and other wild and crazy endeavors.