Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A day in the life of Elayna

People are always asking me "So what does Elayna do...?"  And my response is generally, "Well, a lot!".  Elayna is a busy bug so I decided to give you a flavor of a day in the life of our baby girl.

Elayna is almost 6 months old and here's a typical non-daycare day.  I work Mondays and Thursdays and I usually take her in for a partial day on Tuesdays.  But this is a mommy-and-me kind of day.....

  • 7:00 - 7:30 Wake up.  On a lot of mornings Elayna wakes up around 7 and is happy and chatty.  Occasionally, I have to rouse her and she's usually a pretty good sport about it.
  • 7:30 Diaper changed and ready for breakfast.  Elayna takes 4 meals a day -- about 7 oz of formula per meal. 
  • 8:00 Take Clancy to the park.  We try to get out in the mornings 2-3 times a week.  Clancy loves to play at the park and Elayna is a big fan of her dog.  Sometimes Elayna will sit in the swing with mom but usually we just try to throw the ball for Clancy and sit on the grass.
  • 9:00 Home again and time for some light playing.  Usually we'll have tummy time before she's ready for her morning nap.  Elayna scoots backwards on her tummy -- its a slow process but very entertaining.  She'll go down for her nap once she starts acting tired.
  • 11-11:30 Wake up time again!  A usual morning nap is around 2 hours.
  • 11:30 Lunch!!  Elayna just started carrots.  Yum!  We'll follow the carrots (or peas, apples, or pears) with more formula.
  • 12:00 Errands or lunch out!  Some days we shut ourselves inside but I also like to get out and about sometime during the day.  Sometimes this is the grocery store, post office, or Desert Ridge mall. 
  • 1:30 Back home for a nap.  The afternoon nap is around 2 hours too.
  • 3:30 Up and ready for dinner.  This could be fruit or just plain cereal.  I like to give her a variety (of the 4 things she eats there's not  much to choose from)
  • 4:00 movie time!  Elayna will watch a 30 minute baby DVD a few times a week.  She really likes the music and colors and I get a chance to fold clothes, start dinner, or wash dishes.  Wee....
  • 5:00 Aaron's home!  Elayna lights up when she sees her dad!  She has started reaching for us and giving 'hugs' and 'kisses' (kind of).
  • 5:30 Bouncy time!  Elayna has a jumperoo and gets great exercise with her legs and all the toys.  It's a great activity for her while we have dinner or relax.  Sometimes Elayna will sit in her highchair too while we eat.
  • 7:00 Bath time!  Elayna's favorite time of the day.  She loves to be naked and has a great time playing in the water while we sing or talk with her.  This is followed by a baby-massage from mom and a song and kiss from Dad.
  • 7:30 Bottle and Night time!  Elayna is great about going to sleep and is still sleeping in our room in her pack-n-play (this is under discussion).   Under normal circumstances Elayna would sleep all night but her recent cold makes her cough.  Poor thing. 

This is our very exciting day!  Elayna is smiley, happy, and a joy to be around.  She continues to discover new things every day and loves to be the center of attention.  I'm so glad that I get to spend so many days like this with my precious little girl.  I'm very blessed!  

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