Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not every day is golden

This has been a rough week for our little family.  Poor Elayna came down with a fever on Sunday night.  The fever spiked around 102 -- not dangerous but it enough to wipe her out.  Sunday and most of Monday she was sad and droopy although Tylenol seemed to help.

Monday afternoon, Elayna took a turn.  Although still feverous she was active and has decided that naps are no longer necessary.  Also not-needed:  sleeping through the night!

Last night, poor Elayna was up multiple times between 12 and 3.  She was congested and although she would fall asleep, she couldn't breathe and would wake herself up.  Aaron and I took turns consoling her ... but it was a long and painful night.

This was very frustrating ... probably the worst night's sleep for us since she was a new-born.  I find myself second-guessing myself all day and we're both exhausted.  Luckily, her fever today was gone so she could go to day-care and Aaron came home so we both could take a nap.

Elayna seems to be sleeping peacefully right now so we'll see how the night goes.

In the middle of this, Aaron and I went out last night!  Our friend Val's brother Chris is a professional chef and is in town for the week.  He treated us to a FABULOUS meal of veal, swiss chard, and gnocchi.  It was a FEAST!  Thank you Jay, Val, and Chris!!

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