Thursday, February 21, 2013

Battery-Operated Glow Lights

I’ve been searching for something to fill the large niche above our TV in the great room.  Candles are an obvious choice but the niche is very high and no amount of growth hormone will give me access to them regularly.  However, I solved the problem with a little help from Costco and now have a beautiful light feature in this room.


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The glass containers filled with rocks are fairly standard home-décor features.  I picked all of this up at Michael’s for about $40 (the rocks were the most expensive part).  We had previously used these battery operated lights (Costco – $25) for under-cabinet lighting and knew they worked great.  The one downside if the batteries won’t last long if left on for long periods, but there is a 30-minute timer feature along with 2 light settings.

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My original inception was to bury the lights inside of the glass votives, then cover with rocks.  However, the lights didn’t FIT – so we ended up just setting the votives on top.  This is a better solution as it allows us to change the batteries without taking the entire container apart.  They are fairly stable although you could glue the two together and still access the battery panel at the bottom. 

This was a fun, quick project that gives us a nice gentle light.  I’m pleased with the final results!

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